class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lec 26 - R Packages ##
Statistical Programming ### Sta 323 | Spring 2022 ###
Dr. Colin Rundel --- exclude: true --- ## What are R packages? R packages are just a collection of files (R code, compiled code, data, documentation, etc.) that live in your library path. -- ```r .libPaths() ``` ``` ## [1] "/opt/homebrew/lib/R/4.1/site-library" "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/r/4.1.3/lib/R/library" ``` -- When you run `library(pkg)` the functions (and objects) in the package's namespace are attached to the global search path. ```r dir(.libPaths()) ``` ``` ## [1] "abind" "airports" "archive" "arrayhelpers" "arrow" ## [6] "ash" "AsioHeaders" "askpass" "assertthat" "av" ## [11] "available" "babynames" "backports" "base" "base64enc" ## [16] "BayesFactor" "bayesplot" "beeswarm" "bench" "benchmarkme" ## [21] "benchmarkmeData" "BH" "bit" "bit64" "bitops" ## [26] "blob" "bookdown" "boot" "boot" "brew" ## [31] "brio" "broom" "broom.mixed" "bslib" "cachem" ## [36] "callr" "car" "carData" "caret" "caTools" ## [41] "cellranger" "checklist" "checkmate" "cherryblossom" "chromote" ## [46] "chron" "class" "class" "classInt" "cli" ## [51] "clipr" "clisymbols" "cluster" "coda" "codetools" ## [56] "codetools" "collections" "colorblindr" "colorspace" "colourpicker" ## [61] "commonmark" "compiler" "config" "conflicted" "conquer" ## [66] "contfrac" "coronavirus" "corrplot" "countdown" "cowplot" ## [71] "cpp11" "crayon" "credentials" "crosstalk" "cubature" ## [76] "curl" "cyclocomp" "DAAG" "data.table" "datasauRus" ## [81] "datasets" "DBI" "dbplyr" "dcurver" "Deriv" ## [86] "desc" "deSolve" "devtools" "dials" "DiceDesign" ## [91] "diffmatchpatch" "diffobj" "digest" "directlabels" "distributional" ## [96] "dlstats" "doMC" "doParallel" "dotCall64" "downlit" ## [101] "dplyr" "DT" "dtplyr" "dygraphs" "e1071" ## [106] "ECharts2Shiny" "ellipsis" "elliptic" "emo" "eRm" ## [111] "evaluate" "extrafont" "extrafontdb" "fansi" "farver" ## [116] "fastmap" "fields" "FNN" "fontawesome" "forcats" ## [121] "foreach" "foreign" "foreign" "formattable" "Formula" ## [126] "fs" "furrr" "future" "future.apply" "gargle" ## [131] "gdistance" "generics" "geojsonsf" "geometries" "geosphere" ## [136] "gert" "GGally" "ggalt" "gganimate" "ggbeeswarm" ## [141] "ggdist" "gghighlight" "ggplot2" "ggpubr" "ggrepel" ## [146] "ggridges" "ggsci" "ggsignif" "ggthemes" "gh" ## [151] "ghclass" "gifski" "gitcreds" "glmnet" "globals" ## [156] "glue" "googledrive" "googlesheets4" "gower" "GPArotation" ## [161] "GPfit" "gplots" "graphics" "grDevices" "grid" ## [166] "gridExtra" "gsubfn" "gt" "gtable" "gtools" ## [171] "hardhat" "hash" "haven" "hayalbaz" "HDInterval" ## [176] "here" "highr" "Hmisc" "hms" "htmlTable" ## [181] "htmltools" "htmlwidgets" "httpuv" "httr" "httr2" ## [186] "hunspell" "hypergeo" "icons" "ids" "igraph" ## [191] "infer" "ini" "inline" "insight" "ipred" ## [196] "isoband" "iterators" "janeaustenr" "janitor" "jpeg" ## [201] "jquerylib" "jsonify" "jsonlite" "kableExtra" "katex" ## [206] "keras" "kernlab" "KernSmooth" "knitr" "ks" ## [211] "labeling" "languageserver" "later" "lattice" "lattice" ## [216] "latticeExtra" "lava" "lazyeval" "leafem" "leaflet" ## [221] "leaflet.providers" "leafpop" "learnr" "learnrhash" "lhs" ## [226] "lifecycle" "lintr" "listenv" "lme4" "lobstr" ## [231] "loo" "lookup" "lubridate" "lwgeom" "magick" ## [236] "magrittr" "mapproj" "maps" "maptools" "mapview" ## [241] "markdown" "MASS" "MASS" "Matrix" "Matrix" ## [246] "MatrixModels" "matrixStats" "mclust" "memoise" "methods" ## [251] "mgcv" "mime" "miniUI" "minqa" "mirt" ## [256] "misc3d" "mnormt" "modeldata" "ModelMetrics" "modelr" ## [261] "multicool" "munsell" "mvtnorm" "nlme" "nloptr" ## [266] "nnet" "nnet" "numDeriv" "nycflights13" "openintro" ## [271] "openssl" "oskeyring" "packrat" "pacman" "pagedown" ## [276] "palmerpenguins" "parallel" "parallelly" "parsedate" "parsermd" ## [281] "parsnip" "patchwork" "pbapply" "pbkrtest" "permute" ## [286] "pillar" "pivottabler" "pkgbuild" "pkgconfig" "pkgdown" ## [291] "pkgload" "plogr" "plot3D" "plotly" "plotrix" ## [296] "plyr" "png" "polite" "polynom" "posterior" ## [301] "pracma" "praise" "prettyunits" "pROC" "processx" ## [306] "prodlim" "profmem" "profvis" "progress" "progressr" ## [311] "proj4" "promises" "proto" "proxy" "pryr" ## [316] "ps" "psych" "purrr" "quadprog" "quantreg" ## [321] "quarto" "queryparser" "R.cache" "R.methodsS3" "R.oo" ## [326] "R.utils" "R6" "ragg" "randomNames" "ranger" ## [331] "RANN" "rapidjsonr" "rappdirs" "raster" "ratelimitr" ## [336] "rcmdcheck" "RColorBrewer" "Rcompression" "Rcpp" "RcppArmadillo" ## [341] "RcppEigen" "RcppParallel" "RcppTOML" "reactable" "reactR" ## [346] "readr" "readxl" "recipes" "REdaS" "rematch" ## [351] "rematch2" "remotes" "renv" "repr" "reprex" ## [356] "repurrrsive" "reshape" "reshape2" "reticulate" "rex" ## [361] "rgdal" "rgeos" "RhpcBLASctl" "rhub" "rjags" ## [366] "rlang" "rmarkdown" "RMySQL" "rnaturalearth" "robotstxt" ## [371] "ROCit" "roxygen2" "rpart" "rpart" "rprojroot" ## [376] "rsample" "rsconnect" "RSQLite" "rstan" "rstanarm" ## [381] "rstantools" "rstatix" "rstudioapi" "rticles" "Rttf2pt1" ## [386] "RUnit" "rversions" "rvest" "s2" "sass" ## [391] "satellite" "scales" "selectr" "servr" "sessioninfo" ## [396] "sf" "sfheaders" "shape" "shiny" "shinycssloaders" ## [401] "shinyFiles" "shinyjs" "shinystan" "shinythemes" "showimage" ## [406] "signal" "sjlabelled" "sjmisc" "skimr" "slider" ## [411] "sloop" "snakecase" "SnowballC" "sodium" "sourcetools" ## [416] "sp" "spam" "SparseM" "spatial" "spatial" ## [421] "spelling" "spiderbar" "splines" "splitstackshape" "sqldf" ## [426] "SQUAREM" "StanHeaders" "stats" "stats4" "statsr" ## [431] "stringdist" "stringi" "stringr" "styler" "survival" ## [436] "survival" "svglite" "svUnit" "sys" "systemfonts" ## [441] "taRifx" "tcltk" "tensorA" "tensorflow" "terra" ## [446] "testthat" "textshaping" "textutils" "tfautograph" "tfruns" ## [451] "threejs" "tibble" "tidybayes" "tidymodels" "tidyquery" ## [456] "tidyr" "tidyselect" "tidytext" "tidyverse" "timeDate" ## [461] "tinytex" "tmvnsim" "tokenizers" "tools" "toOrdinal" ## [466] "trajr" "translations" "truncnorm" "tune" "tweenr" ## [471] "tzdb" "udapi" "units" "unvotes" "usdata" ## [476] "usethis" "usmap" "usmapdata" "utf8" "utils" ## [481] "uuid" "V8" "vctrs" "vegan" "vipor" ## [486] "viridis" "viridisLite" "vroom" "waldo" "warp" ## [491] "webshot" "websocket" "whisker" "whoami" "withr" ## [496] "wk" "workflows" "workflowsets" "xaringan" "xaringanExtra" ## [501] "xaringanthemer" "xfun" "xml2" "xmlparsedata" "xopen" ## [506] "xtable" "xts" "yaml" "yardstick" "yesno" ## [511] "zeallot" "zip" "zoo" ``` --- ## Search path ```r search() ``` ``` ## [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:stats" "package:graphics" "package:grDevices" "package:utils" ## [6] "package:datasets" "package:methods" "Autoloads" "package:base" ``` -- ```r library(diffmatchpatch) ``` -- ```r search() ``` ``` ## [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:diffmatchpatch" "package:stats" "package:graphics" ## [5] "package:grDevices" "package:utils" "package:datasets" "package:methods" ## [9] "Autoloads" "package:base" ``` --- ## Loading vs attaching If you do not want to attach a package you can directly use functions via `::` or load it with `requireNamespace()`. .small[ ```r loadedNamespaces() ``` ``` ## [1] "Rcpp" "grDevices" "digest" "diffmatchpatch" "R6" "jsonlite" ## [7] "magrittr" "evaluate" "datasets" "xaringan" "stringi" "rlang" ## [13] "utils" "cli" "rstudioapi" "jquerylib" "bslib" "graphics" ## [19] "rmarkdown" "base" "tools" "stringr" "xfun" "yaml" ## [25] "fastmap" "compiler" "stats" "htmltools" "knitr" "methods" ## [31] "sass" ``` ] -- .small[ ```r requireNamespace("forcats") ``` ``` ## Loading required namespace: forcats ``` ] -- .small[ ```r loadedNamespaces() ``` ``` ## [1] "Rcpp" "grDevices" "digest" "diffmatchpatch" "R6" "jsonlite" ## [7] "magrittr" "evaluate" "datasets" "xaringan" "stringi" "rlang" ## [13] "utils" "cli" "rstudioapi" "jquerylib" "bslib" "graphics" ## [19] "rmarkdown" "base" "forcats" "tools" "stringr" "xfun" ## [25] "yaml" "fastmap" "compiler" "stats" "htmltools" "knitr" ## [31] "methods" "sass" ``` ```r search() ``` ``` ## [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:diffmatchpatch" "package:stats" "package:graphics" ## [5] "package:grDevices" "package:utils" "package:datasets" "package:methods" ## [9] "Autoloads" "package:base" ``` ] --- ## Where to R packages come from We've already seen the two primary sources of R packages: CRAN: ```r install.packages("diffmatchpatch") ``` GitHub: ```r remotes::install_github("rundel/diffmatchpatch") ``` there is one other method that comes up (particularly around package development), which is to install a package from local files. Local install: ```bash R CMD install diffmatchpatch_0.1.0.tar.gz ``` ```r devtools::install("diffmatchpatch_0.1.0.tar.gz") ``` --- ## What is CRAN It is the Comprehensive R Archive Network which is the central repository of R packages. * Maintained by the R Foundation and run by a team of volunteers, ~22k packages * Retains all current versions of released packages as well as archives of previous versions * Similar in spirit to Perl's CPAN, TeX's CTAN, and Python's PyPI * Some important features: * All submissions are reviewed by humans + automated checks * Strictly enforced submission policies and package requiements * All packages must be actively maintained and support upstream and downstream changes .footnote[ See [Writing R Extensions]( ] --- ## Structure of an R Package <br/> <br/> <img src="imgs/r_pkg_struct.jpeg" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ From [A Quickstart Guide for Building Your First R Package]( ] --- ## Core components * `DESCRIPTION` - file containing package metadata (e.g. package name, description, version, license, and author details). Also specifies package dependencies, * `NAMESPACE` - details which functions and objects are exported by your package * `R/` - folder containing R script files (`.R`) * `man/` - folder containing R documentation files (`.Rd`) -- The following components are optional, but quite common: * `tests/` - folder contain unit tests * `src/` - folder containing code to be compiled (usually C / C++) * `data/` - folder containing example data sets (exported as `.Rdata` via `save()`) * `inst/` - files that will be copied to the package's top-level directory when it is installed (e.g. examples or data files that don't belong in `data/`) * `vignettes/` - file implementing long form documentation, can be static (`.pdf` or `.html`) or literate documents (e.g. `.Rmd` or `.Rnw`) --- ## Package contents .pull-left[ .small[ Source Package ```r fs::dir_tree("~/Desktop/Projects/diffmatchpatch/") ``` ``` ## ~/Desktop/Projects/diffmatchpatch/ ## ├── DESCRIPTION ## ├── ## ├── NAMESPACE ## ├── ## ├── R ## │ ├── RcppExports.R ## │ ├── diff.R ## │ ├── diffmatchpatch-package.R ## │ ├── match.R ## │ ├── options.R ## │ ├── patch.R ## │ └── print.R ## ├── README.Rmd ## ├── ## ├── ## ├── diffmatchpatch.Rproj ## ├── inst ## │ └── include ## │ └── diff_match_patch.h ## ├── man ## │ ├── diff.Rd ## │ ├── dmp_options.Rd ## │ ├── match.Rd ## │ └── patch.Rd ## └── src ## ├── Makevars ## ├── ## ├── RcppExports.cpp ## ├── RcppExports.o ## ├── common.h ## ├── diff.cpp ## ├── diff.o ## ├── ## ├── match.cpp ## ├── match.o ## ├── options.cpp ## ├── options.o ## ├── patch.cpp ## └── patch.o ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ Installed Package ```r fs::dir_tree(system.file(package="diffmatchpatch")) ``` ``` ## /opt/homebrew/lib/R/4.1/site-library/diffmatchpatch ## ├── DESCRIPTION ## ├── INDEX ## ├── Meta ## │ ├── Rd.rds ## │ ├── features.rds ## │ ├── hsearch.rds ## │ ├── links.rds ## │ ├── nsInfo.rds ## │ └── package.rds ## ├── NAMESPACE ## ├── ## ├── R ## │ ├── diffmatchpatch ## │ ├── diffmatchpatch.rdb ## │ └── diffmatchpatch.rdx ## ├── help ## │ ├── AnIndex ## │ ├── aliases.rds ## │ ├── diffmatchpatch.rdb ## │ ├── diffmatchpatch.rdx ## │ └── paths.rds ## ├── html ## │ ├── 00Index.html ## │ └── R.css ## ├── include ## │ └── diff_match_patch.h ## └── libs ## └── ``` ] ] --- class: center, middle ## A deeper dive on [diffmatchpatch]( --- ## Package Installation <img src="imgs/r_pkg_install.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ From [R Packages - Chap. 4]( ] --- ## Package Installion - Files <img src="imgs/r_pkgs_fig.png" width="55%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ From [R Packages - Chap. 4.5]( ] --- ## Package development What follows is an *opinionated* introduction to package development, * this is not the only way to do thing (none of the following are required) * I would strongly recommend using: * RStudio * RStudio projects * GitHub * usethis * roxygen2 --- class: center, middle <img src="imgs/hex_usethis.png" width="45%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## `usethis` This is an immensely useful package for automating all kinds of routine (and tedious) tasks within R * Tools for managing git and GitHub configuration * Tools for managing collaboration on GitHub via pull requests (see `pr_*()`) * Tools for creating and configuring packages * Tools for configuring your R environment (e.g. `.Rprofile` and `.Renviron`) * and much much more --- class: center, middle ## Live demo - Building a Package