class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lec 08 - tidyr ##
Statistical Programming ### Sta 323 | Spring 2022 ###
Dr. Colin Rundel --- exclude: true --- class: middle .center[ <img src="imgs/hex-tidyr.png" width="45%" /> ] --- class: middle, center # Reshaping data (Wide vs. Long) --- ## Wide -> Long <img src="imgs/tidyr_gather.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[ `pivot_longer` (previously `gather`) ] .footnote[ From [data import cheatsheet]( ] --- ## Syntax ```r (d = tibble::tribble( ~country, ~"1999", ~"2000", "A", "0.7K", "2K", "B", "37K", "80K", "C", "212K", "213K" )) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 × 3 ## country `1999` `2000` ## <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 A 0.7K 2K ## 2 B 37K 80K ## 3 C 212K 213K ``` -- ```r pivot_longer(d, cols = "1999":"2000", names_to = "year", values_to = "cases") ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 × 3 ## country year cases ## <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 A 1999 0.7K ## 2 A 2000 2K ## 3 B 1999 37K ## 4 B 2000 80K ## 5 C 1999 212K ## 6 C 2000 213K ``` --- ## Long -> Wide <img src="imgs/tidyr_spread.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[ .larger[ `pivot_wider` (previously `spread`) ] ] .footnote[ From [data import cheatsheet]( ] --- ## Syntax .pull-left[ ```r d = tibble::tribble( ~country, ~year, ~type, ~count, "A", 1999, "cases", "0.7K", "A", 1999, "pop", "19M", "A", 2000, "cases", "2K", "A", 2000, "pop", "20M", "B", 1999, "cases", "37K", "B", 1999, "pop", "172M", "B", 2000, "cases", " 80K", "B", 2000, "pop", "174M", "C", 1999, "cases", "212K", "C", 1999, "pop", "1T", "C", 2000, "cases", "213K", "C", 2000, "pop", "1T" ) ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r d ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 12 × 4 ## country year type count ## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> ## 1 A 1999 cases "0.7K" ## 2 A 1999 pop "19M" ## 3 A 2000 cases "2K" ## 4 A 2000 pop "20M" ## 5 B 1999 cases "37K" ## 6 B 1999 pop "172M" ## 7 B 2000 cases " 80K" ## 8 B 2000 pop "174M" ## 9 C 1999 cases "212K" ## 10 C 1999 pop "1T" ## 11 C 2000 cases "213K" ## 12 C 2000 pop "1T" ``` ] -- ```r pivot_wider(d, id_cols = country:year, names_from = type, values_from = count) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 × 4 ## country year cases pop ## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> ## 1 A 1999 "0.7K" 19M ## 2 A 2000 "2K" 20M ## 3 B 1999 "37K" 172M ## 4 B 2000 " 80K" 174M ## 5 C 1999 "212K" 1T ## 6 C 2000 "213K" 1T ``` --- ## Separate <img src="imgs/tidyr_separate.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- ```r separate(d, rate, sep = "/", into = c("cases", "pop")) ``` .footnote[ From [data import cheatsheet]( ] --- ## Unite <img src="imgs/tidyr_unite.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- ```r unite(d, century, year, col = "year", sep = "") ``` .footnote[ From [data import cheatsheet]( ] --- ## Example 1 - tidy grades Is the following data tidy? ```r (grades = tibble::tribble( ~name, ~hw_1, ~hw_2, ~hw_3, ~hw_4, ~proj_1, ~proj_2, "Alice", 19, 19, 18, 20, 89, 95, "Bob", 18, 20, 18, 16, 77, 88, "Carol", 18, 20, 18, 17, 96, 99, "Dave", 19, 19, 18, 19, 86, 82 )) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 × 7 ## name hw_1 hw_2 hw_3 hw_4 proj_1 proj_2 ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 Alice 19 19 18 20 89 95 ## 2 Bob 18 20 18 16 77 88 ## 3 Carol 18 20 18 17 96 99 ## 4 Dave 19 19 18 19 86 82 ``` -- <br/> How would we calculate a final score based on the following formula, `$$\text{score} = 0.5\,\frac{\sum_i\text{hw}_i}{80} + 0.5\,\frac{\sum_j\text{proj}_j}{200}$$` --- ## Semi-tidy approach ```r grades %>% mutate( hw_avg = (hw_1+hw_2+hw_3+hw_4)/4, proj_avg = (proj_1+proj_2)/2 ) %>% mutate( overall = 0.5*(proj_avg/100) + 0.5*(hw_avg/20) ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 × 10 ## name hw_1 hw_2 hw_3 hw_4 proj_1 proj_2 hw_avg proj_avg overall ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 Alice 19 19 18 20 89 95 19 92 0.935 ## 2 Bob 18 20 18 16 77 88 18 82.5 0.862 ## 3 Carol 18 20 18 17 96 99 18.2 97.5 0.944 ## 4 Dave 19 19 18 19 86 82 18.8 84 0.889 ``` --- ## pivot_longer (Wide -> Long) ```r tidyr::pivot_longer( grades, cols = hw_1:proj_2, names_to = "assignment", values_to = "score" ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 24 × 3 ## name assignment score ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Alice hw_1 19 ## 2 Alice hw_2 19 ## 3 Alice hw_3 18 ## 4 Alice hw_4 20 ## 5 Alice proj_1 89 ## 6 Alice proj_2 95 ## 7 Bob hw_1 18 ## 8 Bob hw_2 20 ## 9 Bob hw_3 18 ## 10 Bob hw_4 16 ## # … with 14 more rows ``` -- .center[ What does this get us? ] --- ```r tidyr::pivot_longer( grades, cols = hw_1:proj_2, names_to = c("type", "id"), names_sep = "_", values_to = "score" ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 24 × 4 ## name type id score ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Alice hw 1 19 ## 2 Alice hw 2 19 ## 3 Alice hw 3 18 ## 4 Alice hw 4 20 ## 5 Alice proj 1 89 ## 6 Alice proj 2 95 ## 7 Bob hw 1 18 ## 8 Bob hw 2 20 ## 9 Bob hw 3 18 ## 10 Bob hw 4 16 ## # … with 14 more rows ``` --- ## Tidy approach? ```r grades %>% tidyr::pivot_longer( cols = hw_1:proj_2, names_to = c("type", "id"), names_sep = "_", values_to = "score" ) %>% group_by(name, type) %>% summarize( total = sum(score), .groups = "drop" ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 8 × 3 ## name type total ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Alice hw 76 ## 2 Alice proj 184 ## 3 Bob hw 72 ## 4 Bob proj 165 ## 5 Carol hw 73 ## 6 Carol proj 195 ## 7 Dave hw 75 ## 8 Dave proj 168 ``` --- ## pivot_wider - (Long -> Wide) ```r grades %>% tidyr::pivot_longer( cols = hw_1:proj_2, names_to = c("type", "id"), names_sep = "_", values_to = "score" ) %>% group_by(name, type) %>% summarize( total = sum(score), .groups = "drop" ) %>% tidyr::pivot_wider( names_from = type, values_from = total ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 × 3 ## name hw proj ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 Alice 76 184 ## 2 Bob 72 165 ## 3 Carol 73 195 ## 4 Dave 75 168 ``` --- ## Wrapping up ```r grades %>% tidyr::pivot_longer( cols = hw_1:proj_2, names_to = c("type", "id"), names_sep = "_", values_to = "score" ) %>% group_by(name, type) %>% summarize( total = sum(score), .groups = "drop" ) %>% tidyr::pivot_wider( names_from = type, values_from = total ) %>% mutate( score = 0.5*(hw/80) + 0.5*(proj/200) ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 × 4 ## name hw proj score ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 Alice 76 184 0.935 ## 2 Bob 72 165 0.862 ## 3 Carol 73 195 0.944 ## 4 Dave 75 168 0.889 ``` --- ## Exercise 1 The `palmerpenguin` package contains measurement data on various penguin species on islands near Palmer Station in Antarctica. The code below shows the # of each species measured on each of the three islands (missing island, penguin pairs implies that species does not occur on that island). ```r palmerpenguins::penguins %>% count(island, species) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 × 3 ## island species n ## <fct> <fct> <int> ## 1 Biscoe Adelie 44 ## 2 Biscoe Gentoo 124 ## 3 Dream Adelie 56 ## 4 Dream Chinstrap 68 ## 5 Torgersen Adelie 52 ``` Starting from these data construct a contingency table of counts for island (rows) by species (columns) using the pivot functions we've just discussed. --- class: center, middle # Rectangling --- ## Star Wars & repurrrsive `repurrrsive` is a package that contains a number of interesting example data sets that are stored in a hierarchical format. Many come from web-based APIs which provide results as JSON. ```r str(repurrrsive::sw_people) ``` ``` ## List of 87 ## $ :List of 16 ## ..$ name : chr "Luke Skywalker" ## ..$ height : chr "172" ## ..$ mass : chr "77" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "blond" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "19BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:5] "" "" "" "" ... ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ vehicles : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ starships : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-09T13:50:51.644000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:56.891000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "C-3PO" ## ..$ height : chr "167" ## ..$ mass : chr "75" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "n/a" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "gold" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "yellow" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "112BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "n/a" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:6] "" "" "" "" ... ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T15:10:51.357000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.309000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "R2-D2" ## ..$ height : chr "96" ## ..$ mass : chr "32" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "n/a" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "white, blue" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "red" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "33BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "n/a" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:7] "" "" "" "" ... ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T15:11:50.376000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.311000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Darth Vader" ## ..$ height : chr "202" ## ..$ mass : chr "136" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "white" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "yellow" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "41.9BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:4] "" "" "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T15:18:20.704000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.313000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Leia Organa" ## ..$ height : chr "150" ## ..$ mass : chr "49" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "light" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "19BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:5] "" "" "" "" ... ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ vehicles : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T15:20:09.791000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.315000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Owen Lars" ## ..$ height : chr "178" ## ..$ mass : chr "120" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown, grey" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "light" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "52BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T15:52:14.024000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.317000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Beru Whitesun lars" ## ..$ height : chr "165" ## ..$ mass : chr "75" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "light" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "47BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T15:53:41.121000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.319000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "R5-D4" ## ..$ height : chr "97" ## ..$ mass : chr "32" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "n/a" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "white, red" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "red" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "n/a" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T15:57:50.959000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.321000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Biggs Darklighter" ## ..$ height : chr "183" ## ..$ mass : chr "84" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "black" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "light" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "24BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T15:59:50.509000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.323000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 16 ## ..$ name : chr "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ## ..$ height : chr "182" ## ..$ mass : chr "77" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "auburn, white" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue-gray" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "57BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:6] "" "" "" "" ... ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ vehicles : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr [1:5] "" "" "" "" ... ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T16:16:29.192000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.325000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 16 ## ..$ name : chr "Anakin Skywalker" ## ..$ height : chr "188" ## ..$ mass : chr "84" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "blond" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "41.9BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ vehicles : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ starships : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T16:20:44.310000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.327000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Wilhuff Tarkin" ## ..$ height : chr "180" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "auburn, grey" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "64BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T16:26:56.138000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.330000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 16 ## ..$ name : chr "Chewbacca" ## ..$ height : chr "228" ## ..$ mass : chr "112" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "unknown" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "200BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:5] "" "" "" "" ... ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ vehicles : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T16:42:45.066000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.332000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Han Solo" ## ..$ height : chr "180" ## ..$ mass : chr "80" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "29BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:4] "" "" "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T16:49:14.582000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.334000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Greedo" ## ..$ height : chr "173" ## ..$ mass : chr "74" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "n/a" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "green" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "black" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "44BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T17:03:30.334000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.336000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Jabba Desilijic Tiure" ## ..$ height : chr "175" ## ..$ mass : chr "1,358" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "n/a" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "green-tan, brown" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "orange" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "600BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "hermaphrodite" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-10T17:11:31.638000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.338000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 16 ## ..$ name : chr "Wedge Antilles" ## ..$ height : chr "170" ## ..$ mass : chr "77" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "hazel" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "21BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ vehicles : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-12T11:08:06.469000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.341000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Jek Tono Porkins" ## ..$ height : chr "180" ## ..$ mass : chr "110" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-12T11:16:56.569000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.343000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Yoda" ## ..$ height : chr "66" ## ..$ mass : chr "17" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "white" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "green" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "896BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:5] "" "" "" "" ... ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-15T12:26:01.042000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.345000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Palpatine" ## ..$ height : chr "170" ## ..$ mass : chr "75" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "grey" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "pale" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "yellow" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "82BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:5] "" "" "" "" ... ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-15T12:48:05.971000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.347000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Boba Fett" ## ..$ height : chr "183" ## ..$ mass : chr "78.2" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "black" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "31.5BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-15T12:49:32.457000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.349000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "IG-88" ## ..$ height : chr "200" ## ..$ mass : chr "140" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "metal" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "red" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "15BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "none" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-15T12:51:10.076000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.351000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Bossk" ## ..$ height : chr "190" ## ..$ mass : chr "113" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "green" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "red" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "53BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-15T12:53:49.297000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.355000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Lando Calrissian" ## ..$ height : chr "177" ## ..$ mass : chr "79" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "black" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "dark" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "31BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-15T12:56:32.683000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.357000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Lobot" ## ..$ height : chr "175" ## ..$ mass : chr "79" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "light" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "37BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-15T13:01:57.178000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.359000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Ackbar" ## ..$ height : chr "180" ## ..$ mass : chr "83" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "brown mottle" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "orange" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "41BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-18T11:07:50.584000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.362000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Mon Mothma" ## ..$ height : chr "150" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "auburn" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "48BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-18T11:12:38.895000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.364000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Arvel Crynyd" ## ..$ height : chr "unknown" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-18T11:16:33.020000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.367000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Wicket Systri Warrick" ## ..$ height : chr "88" ## ..$ mass : chr "20" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "8BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-18T11:21:58.954000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.369000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Nien Nunb" ## ..$ height : chr "160" ## ..$ mass : chr "68" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "grey" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "black" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-18T11:26:18.541000Z" ## 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..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T17:28:27.248000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.470000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Lama Su" ## ..$ height : chr "229" ## ..$ mass : chr "88" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "grey" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "black" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T17:30:50.416000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.473000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Taun We" ## ..$ height : chr "213" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "grey" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "black" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T17:31:21.195000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.474000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Jocasta Nu" ## ..$ height : chr "167" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "white" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "fair" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T17:32:51.996000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.476000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Ratts Tyerell" ## ..$ height : chr "79" ## ..$ mass : chr "15" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "grey, blue" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "unknown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T09:53:15.086000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2016-06-30T12:52:19.604868Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 13 ## ..$ name : chr "R4-P17" ## ..$ height : chr "96" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "silver, red" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "red, blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T17:43:36.409000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.478000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Wat Tambor" ## ..$ height : chr "193" ## ..$ mass : chr "48" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "green, grey" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "unknown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T17:53:52.607000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.481000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "San Hill" ## ..$ height : chr "191" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "grey" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "gold" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T17:58:17.049000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.484000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Shaak Ti" ## ..$ height : chr "178" ## ..$ mass : chr "57" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "red, blue, white" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "black" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T18:44:01.103000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.486000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 16 ## ..$ name : chr "Grievous" ## ..$ height : chr "216" ## ..$ mass : chr "159" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "brown, white" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "green, yellow" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ vehicles : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T19:43:53.348000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.488000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Tarfful" ## ..$ height : chr "234" ## ..$ mass : chr "136" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "blue" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T19:46:34.209000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.491000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Raymus Antilles" ## ..$ height : chr "188" ## ..$ mass : chr "79" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "light" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T19:49:35.583000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.493000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 13 ## ..$ name : chr "Sly Moore" ## ..$ height : chr "178" ## ..$ mass : chr "48" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "pale" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "white" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:2] "" "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T20:18:37.619000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.496000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Tion Medon" ## ..$ height : chr "206" ## ..$ mass : chr "80" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "grey" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "black" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-20T20:35:04.260000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2014-12-20T21:17:50.498000Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Finn" ## ..$ height : chr "unknown" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "black" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "dark" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "dark" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2015-04-17T06:52:40.793621Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2015-04-17T06:52:40.793674Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "Rey" ## ..$ height : chr "unknown" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "light" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "hazel" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2015-04-17T06:54:01.495077Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2015-04-17T06:54:01.495128Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Poe Dameron" ## ..$ height : chr "unknown" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "light" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "male" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2015-04-17T06:55:21.622786Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2015-04-17T06:55:21.622835Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 14 ## ..$ name : chr "BB8" ## ..$ height : chr "unknown" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "none" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "none" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "black" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "none" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2015-04-17T06:57:38.061346Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2015-04-17T06:57:38.061453Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 13 ## ..$ name : chr "Captain Phasma" ## ..$ height : chr "unknown" ## ..$ mass : chr "unknown" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "unknown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "unknown" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "unknown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "unknown" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr "" ## ..$ created : chr "2015-10-13T10:35:39.229823Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2015-10-13T10:35:39.229894Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ## $ :List of 15 ## ..$ name : chr "Padmé Amidala" ## ..$ height : chr "165" ## ..$ mass : chr "45" ## ..$ hair_color: chr "brown" ## ..$ skin_color: chr "light" ## ..$ eye_color : chr "brown" ## ..$ birth_year: chr "46BBY" ## ..$ gender : chr "female" ## ..$ homeworld : chr "" ## ..$ films : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ## ..$ species : chr "" ## ..$ starships : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ## ..$ created : chr "2014-12-19T17:28:26.926000Z" ## ..$ edited : chr "2016-04-20T17:06:31.502555Z" ## ..$ url : chr "" ``` --- ```r View(repurrrsive::sw_people) ``` <img src="imgs/sw_people_View.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Tidy data from nested lists Recent versions of `tidyr` have added several functions that are designed to aide in the tidying of hierarchical data. Since they are part of `tidyr` all of the following functions work with data frames. From `tidyr` - `hoist()`, `unnest_longer()`, and `unnest_wider()` provide tools for rectangling, collapsing deeply nested lists into regular columns. --- ## Lists as columns .pull-left[ ```r (sw_df = tibble::tibble( people = repurrrsive::sw_people )) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 87 × 1 ## people ## <list> ## 1 <named list [16]> ## 2 <named list [14]> ## 3 <named list [14]> ## 4 <named list [15]> ## 5 <named list [15]> ## 6 <named list [14]> ## 7 <named list [14]> ## 8 <named list [14]> ## 9 <named list [15]> ## 10 <named list [16]> ## # … with 77 more rows ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r sw_df %>% %>% head() ``` ``` ## people ## 1 Luke Skywalker, 172, 77, blond, fair, blue, 19BBY, male,,,,,,,,,,,, 2014-12-09T13:50:51.644000Z, 2014-12-20T21:17:56.891000Z, ## 2 C-3PO, 167, 75, n/a, gold, yellow, 112BBY, n/a,,,,,,,,, 2014-12-10T15:10:51.357000Z, 2014-12-20T21:17:50.309000Z, ## 3 R2-D2, 96, 32, n/a, white, blue, red, 33BBY, n/a,,,,,,,,,, 2014-12-10T15:11:50.376000Z, 2014-12-20T21:17:50.311000Z, ## 4 Darth Vader, 202, 136, none, white, yellow, 41.9BBY, male,,,,,,,, 2014-12-10T15:18:20.704000Z, 2014-12-20T21:17:50.313000Z, ## 5 Leia Organa, 150, 49, brown, light, brown, 19BBY, female,,,,,,,,, 2014-12-10T15:20:09.791000Z, 2014-12-20T21:17:50.315000Z, ## 6 Owen Lars, 178, 120, brown, grey, light, blue, 52BBY, male,,,,,, 2014-12-10T15:52:14.024000Z, 2014-12-20T21:17:50.317000Z, ``` ] -- ```r ``` ``` ## [1] TRUE ``` ```r nrow(sw_df) ``` ``` ## [1] 87 ``` --- ## Unnesting ```r sw_df %>% unnest_wider(people) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 87 × 16 ## name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year gender ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 Luke Skywalker 172 77 blond fair blue 19BBY male ## 2 C-3PO 167 75 n/a gold yellow 112BBY n/a ## 3 R2-D2 96 32 n/a white, bl… red 33BBY n/a ## 4 Darth Vader 202 136 none white yellow 41.9BBY male ## 5 Leia Organa 150 49 brown light brown 19BBY female ## 6 Owen Lars 178 120 brown, gr… light blue 52BBY male ## 7 Beru Whitesun… 165 75 brown light blue 47BBY female ## 8 R5-D4 97 32 n/a white, red red unknown n/a ## 9 Biggs Darklig… 183 84 black light brown 24BBY male ## 10 Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 77 auburn, w… fair blue-gray 57BBY male ## # … with 77 more rows, and 8 more variables: homeworld <chr>, films <list>, ## # species <chr>, vehicles <list>, starships <list>, created <chr>, ## # edited <chr>, url <chr> ``` --- ## More list columns .pull-left[ ```r sw_df %>% unnest_wider(people) %>% select(name, starships) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 87 × 2 ## name starships ## <chr> <list> ## 1 Luke Skywalker <chr [2]> ## 2 C-3PO <NULL> ## 3 R2-D2 <NULL> ## 4 Darth Vader <chr [1]> ## 5 Leia Organa <NULL> ## 6 Owen Lars <NULL> ## 7 Beru Whitesun lars <NULL> ## 8 R5-D4 <NULL> ## 9 Biggs Darklighter <chr [1]> ## 10 Obi-Wan Kenobi <chr [5]> ## # … with 77 more rows ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r sw_df %>% unnest_wider(people) %>% select(name, starships) %>% pull(starships) %>% str() ``` ``` ## List of 87 ## $ : chr [1:2] "" "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : chr [1:5] "" "" "" "" ... ## $ : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr [1:2] "" "" ## $ : chr [1:2] "" "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr "" ## $ : NULL ## $ : NULL ## $ : chr [1:3] "" "" "" ``` ] --- ## Unnest Longer ```r unnest_wider(sw_df, people) %>% select(name, starships) %>% unnest_longer(starships) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 98 × 2 ## name starships ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Luke Skywalker ## 2 Luke Skywalker ## 3 C-3PO <NA> ## 4 R2-D2 <NA> ## 5 Darth Vader ## 6 Leia Organa <NA> ## 7 Owen Lars <NA> ## 8 Beru Whitesun lars <NA> ## 9 R5-D4 <NA> ## 10 Biggs Darklighter ## # … with 88 more rows ``` --- ## Aside - sw_starships ```r (ships = tibble(ships = repurrrsive::sw_starships) %>% unnest_wider(ships) %>% select(ship = name, url) ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 37 × 2 ## ship url ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Sentinel-class landing craft ## 2 Death Star ## 3 Millennium Falcon ## 4 Y-wing ## 5 X-wing ## 6 TIE Advanced x1 ## 7 Executor ## 8 Slave 1 ## 9 Imperial shuttle ## 10 EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate ## # … with 27 more rows ``` --- class: middle .center[ <img src="imgs/hex-dplyr.png" width="40%" /> .large[(Joins)] ] --- ## Joins (left) <img src="imgs/left-join-extra.gif" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ From [gadenbuie/tidyexplain]( ] --- ## Joins (right) <img src="imgs/right-join.gif" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ From [gadenbuie/tidyexplain]( ] --- ## Joins (full / outer) <img src="imgs/full-join.gif" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ From [gadenbuie/tidyexplain]( ] --- ## Joins (inner) <img src="imgs/inner-join.gif" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ From [gadenbuie/tidyexplain]( ] --- ## Joining people and starships ```r sw_df %>% unnest_wider(people) %>% select(name, starships) %>% unnest_longer(starships) %>% left_join(ships, by = c("starships" = "url")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 98 × 3 ## name starships ship ## <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 Luke Skywalker X-wing ## 2 Luke Skywalker Imperial shuttle ## 3 C-3PO <NA> <NA> ## 4 R2-D2 <NA> <NA> ## 5 Darth Vader TIE Advanced x1 ## 6 Leia Organa <NA> <NA> ## 7 Owen Lars <NA> <NA> ## 8 Beru Whitesun lars <NA> <NA> ## 9 R5-D4 <NA> <NA> ## 10 Biggs Darklighter X-wing ## # … with 88 more rows ``` --- ## Putting it together ```r sw_df %>% unnest_wider(people) %>% select(name, starships) %>% unnest_longer(starships) %>% inner_join(ships, by = c("starships" = "url")) %>% select(-starships) %>% group_by(name) %>% summarize(ships = list(ship), .groups = "drop") ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 20 × 2 ## name ships ## <chr> <list> ## 1 Anakin Skywalker <chr [3]> ## 2 Arvel Crynyd <chr [1]> ## 3 Biggs Darklighter <chr [1]> ## 4 Boba Fett <chr [1]> ## 5 Chewbacca <chr [2]> ## 6 Darth Maul <chr [1]> ## 7 Darth Vader <chr [1]> ## 8 Gregar Typho <chr [1]> ## 9 Grievous <chr [1]> ## 10 Han Solo <chr [2]> ## 11 Jek Tono Porkins <chr [1]> ## 12 Lando Calrissian <chr [1]> ## 13 Luke Skywalker <chr [2]> ## 14 Nien Nunb <chr [1]> ## 15 Obi-Wan Kenobi <chr [5]> ## 16 Padmé Amidala <chr [3]> ## 17 Plo Koon <chr [1]> ## 18 Poe Dameron <chr [1]> ## 19 Ric Olié <chr [1]> ## 20 Wedge Antilles <chr [1]> ``` --- ```r sw_df %>% unnest_wider(people) %>% select(name, starships) %>% unnest_longer(starships) %>% inner_join(ships, by = c("starships" = "url")) %>% select(-starships) %>% group_by(name) %>% summarize(ships = paste(ship, collapse = ", "), .groups = "drop") ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 20 × 2 ## name ships ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Anakin Skywalker Trade Federation cruiser, Jedi Interceptor, Naboo fighter ## 2 Arvel Crynyd A-wing ## 3 Biggs Darklighter X-wing ## 4 Boba Fett Slave 1 ## 5 Chewbacca Millennium Falcon, Imperial shuttle ## 6 Darth Maul Scimitar ## 7 Darth Vader TIE Advanced x1 ## 8 Gregar Typho Naboo fighter ## 9 Grievous Belbullab-22 starfighter ## 10 Han Solo Millennium Falcon, Imperial shuttle ## 11 Jek Tono Porkins X-wing ## 12 Lando Calrissian Millennium Falcon ## 13 Luke Skywalker X-wing, Imperial shuttle ## 14 Nien Nunb Millennium Falcon ## 15 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi starfighter, Trade Federation cruiser, Naboo star ski… ## 16 Padmé Amidala H-type Nubian yacht, Naboo star skiff, Naboo fighter ## 17 Plo Koon Jedi starfighter ## 18 Poe Dameron T-70 X-wing fighter ## 19 Ric Olié Naboo Royal Starship ## 20 Wedge Antilles X-wing ``` --- ## Exercise 2 1. Which planet appeared in the most starwars film (according to the data in `sw_planet`)? 2. Which planet was the homeworld of the most characters in the starwars films?